The reason Apple Wearing a woman's voice on the I-Phone?
For the majority of iPhone owners the latest version, features Siri is a feature that is more than just a virtual guide. Siri asked to answer questions that humans efficiently. He told the schedule, find the nearest pizza shop, or inform if it rains.
But why the Siri uses a female voice?
Quoted from CNN, October 24, 2011, from a scientific study, it is known that in general, users prefer to listen to female voices than male voices.
"This is a phenomenon well established that the human brain developed to sound like a woman," said Clifford Nass, Stanford University professor who is also an author of "The Man Who Lied to His Laptop: What Machines Teach Us About Human Relationships".
Nass said the research also showed this preference begins early humans in the womb. He then cites a study showing that the fetus reacts to the sound of a mother but did not react to sounds other than the female voice. The fetus also showed no reaction when he heard the voice of a father.
According to some sources, a woman's voice was also used in some of the navigation device in World War II. For example when a woman's voice is used in the cockpit of an airplane because the female voice can strengthen the male pilots.
Another example, telephone operators have traditionally been synonymous with female voice. It makes people accustomed to getting referrals from a beautiful voice of a woman.
"In the past decade, while activists will first install the car features a voice-based instructions in the car, from consumer research, they found that people really like the sound of women than men vote," said Tim Bajarin, an analyst at Strategic Creative Inc..
This may explain why in most GPS navigation systems on the market, the default is the female voice.
However, this does not apply in Germany. In this country, people refused to vote a woman in a car navigation system on the BMW 5 series which was released in the 1990s. "Cultural stereotype is crucial," Nass said that the details in his BMW. (Umi)
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